In some photo situations- either indoors or out, flash is essential. Sometimes it can look too harsh & obvious.
If you shoot lot of portraits, you may require to use flash at some point- especially shooting weddings or events. The trouble is that flash can look terrible when it is not properly used and even then, direct flash never looks ideal. So if you already have a flash gun & use it a lot for people pictures, then you need to invest in a good quality flash reflector. Here, I'll provide you with the best selling flashgun reflector that will provide you with the best possible lighting.
The R’flector Pro-V1 soften harsh on flash and creates a more evenly distribution of camera flash. It turns the harsh shadows of ordinary flash photography into portrait-like lighting. It helps avoid “blown-out” look, especially in close-up situation and presents a significant improvement over perhaps the most unflattering light source in photography.
Putting It On
The Pro V1 has a piece of Velcro loop, on the attachment base. Centre the base attachment section on the side or back of your flash with your left hand and hold it in place. Pull firmly when attaching. This illustration shows mounting on the back of your flash. While holding firmly with your left hand, pull the strap hard and wrap it around. Stick the Velcro down.
SGD $18